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Programming Cluster EEPROMs for the Vauxhall VE VXR8

  • The following document is considered a work in progress.
    Because much of the useful information concerning memory locations used to store different cluster information is still not known,
    it is recommended that you check the Technical Documents Discussion Forum for the latest information regarding this document.
  • To reprogram an insturment cluster, the following tools are required,
    A Windows XP based PC system.
    An EEPROM Programmer that can be used with 95160 EEPROMS - $60.00AU (eBay).
    Search eBay for a Keeprog USB EEPROM programmer
    A 3M 8 PIN SOP to 8 Pin DIP Clip Adaptor - $40.00AU (eBay)
    Search eBay for a 3M 8 Pin SOP Clip
    A VE Instrument Cluster

  • To remove the existing instrument cluster from the vehicle.
    Unscrew the two Philips head screws securing the OBD-II connector, located beneath the steering column, on the lower black trim.
    Pull the lower black trim downwards from the top of the trim, and disengage the three clips holing the top most part of the trim in place.

    Un-clip the foot well illumination bulb holder from the trim, by turning the bulb holder anti clock wise.
    (Use caution as the foot well illumination bulb may be HOT !!!!)
    Swing the lower black trim downwards, and disengage the back 3 clips to remove the trim from the vehicle.

    Pulling from the top of the drivers side instrument panel trim that holds the headlamp switch assembly, carefully disengage the 2 clips on the outer side, and the two clips on the inner side of the trim, allowing the trim to be swung downwards slightly, and allowing access to the headlamp switch assembly.
    Disengage he headlamp switch assembly electrical connector by depressing the plastic tab on the connector (located on the RHS of the plug), and pulling the plug away from the headlamp switch.
    Pulling from the bottom of the drivers side colored instrument panel trim, disengage the remaining 4 clips holding the back part of the trim in place.
    Do not attempt to remove the trim yet !
    Next, carefully attempt to maneuverer the trim plastic located nearest to the gear shift selector, downwards, trying not to scratch the steering column trim plastic.
    Take you time with this step, as the colored trim panel does flex enough to allow you to do this, but it is fragile, and could easily break if you use too much force.

    Once you have the Inner most plastic colored trim below the steering column plastic trim, attempt to maneuverer the outer side of the trim around, and below the steering column plastic trim, again being carefully as to not scratch or damage the trim.
    With the colored plastic trim removed, you will need to remove the plastic / aluminum trim strip below the instrument cluster.
    To do this, gently pull the trim strip outwards, using an even amount of force, starting from the outside end of the trim piece, and moving inwards, disengaging each clip that holds the trim in place.
    Once the plastic / aluminum trim has been removed you should now be able to see the screws used to hold the instrument cluster surround trim in place.
    Remove the two Phillips screws holding the lower part of the instrument cluster surround trim.
    Next, remove the three upper Phillips head screws holding the instrument cluster surround trim in place.
    Once all the screws have been removed from the trim, slowly maneuver the trim outwards, being careful not to scratch the instrument cluster lens, and not to tear the steering column trim.
    Once you have a bit of room to get behind the instrument cluster trim surround, disengage the two clips holding the instrument cluster trim surround, from the upper steering column trim.
    The following images best describes the location of the two clips used to secure the instrument cluster surround to the upper steering column trim.
    Please note, the clip locations have been highlighted in red.
    Finally, once the instrument cluster surround trim has been removed, you can begin removing the four Phillips head screws used to secure the instrument cluster.
    Now that the four phillips head screws have been removed, slowly and carefully maneuver the instrument cluster outwards from the instrument panel, so as you can access the electrical connector located at the back / top of the instrument cluster.
    Swing the instrument cluster electrical connector clip clockwise to disengage the electrical connector from the instrument cluster.

    Finally, remove the instrument cluster from the vehicle.
  • The following guide assumes that you have already removed the Instrument Cluster from the vehicle.
    1) Remove the 6 Torx screws located on the back of the instrument cluster.
    These screws re used to hold the instrument cluster plastic back cover in place.
    2) Remove the back plasti cover.
    3) Locate the 95160 EEPROM. It should be labelled U7 on the instrument cluster board.
    The following image will give you a good indication of where the EEPROM is located.

  • To read data from a Surface Mount EEPROM chip, you will need to use a 3M SOP to DIP adapter clip.
    You will also require an EEPROM Programmer capable of reading and writing to 95160 EEPROMs.

    To connect the 95160 EEPROM to the EEPROM Programmer, use the 3M 8 Pin SOP to 8 Pin DIP Adaptor, as shown below,
    Please note : The orientation of the wire with the red stripe in the Image above.
    This wire signifies Pin 1 on the EEPROM.
    Next, connect the other side of the SOP connector to the EEPROM programmer, as shown in the following image.
    Please note :Again, note the orientation of the wire with the red stripe in the Image above, as it connects to the EEPROM programmer.
    This wire signifies Pin 1 on the EEPROM, which should be connected to Pin 1 on the EEPROM programmer socket.
    NOTE: The EEPROM programmer should also be configured to use 3.3 Volts.
    This setting will avoid blowing the EEPROM chip up if you get the Polarity round the wrong way.
  • Once the EEPROM programmer has been successfully configured and calibrated, and you have fitted the instrument cluster EEPROM to the EEPROM reader, you can now attempt to read data from an EEPROM chip.
    To do this,
    1) Select the EEPROM Programmer type from the drop down menu (USB)
    2) Select the EEPROM Family type from the drop down menu.
    3) Select the EEPROM Chip from from the drop down menu.
    4) Click on the Read button to continue.
    5) If the EEPROM Programmer has been correctly configured, the Data should be read from the EEPROM chip
    The Final step is to save this EEPROM Data as an hex EEPROM file, that can be opened and edited later.
    6) Click on the SAVE Button.
    7) Select a name for the file to continue.
    8) Click on the OK Button to save the file.
  • The following is a list of KNOWN EEPROM memory locations for early VE series Cluster EEPROMs.
    This table will be updated as more information is discovered.

    NOTE : At present there is no known EEPROM dumps for Late Model (Black cover Continental) Instrument Clusters.

    Memory Location Values Description
    0x0030 - 0x003414060808F0F7Omega Cluster (Part # 92222121)
    0x0030 - 0x0034090307086FF7SS Cluster (Part # ??????)
    0x0030 - 0x0034070806087EF7Calais Cluster (Part # 92198636)
    0x0030 - 0x0034150B060833F7HSV Cluster E1 (Part # 92199371)
    0x0030 - 0x00340404080889F9HSV Cluster E2 (Part # 92222129)
    0x0142 - 0x01439FFDOmega 4 Speed Auto - LY7 engine, 4L60 transmission
    0x0142 - 0x0143B4FCSS 6 Speed - L98 engine, Unknown transmission
    0x0142 - 0x0143EBFCCalais 6 Speed Auto - L98 engine, 6L80 transmission
    0x0142 - 0x0143C1FCHSV E1 - Unknown engine, Unknown transmission
    0x0142 - 0x014343FDHSV E2 - LS3 engine, Unknown transmission
    0x0346 - 0x03479FFDOmega 4 Speed Auto - LY7 engine, 4L60 transmission
    0x0346 - 0x0347B4FCSS 6 Speed Manual - L98 engine, Unknown transmission
    0x0346 - 0x0347EBFCCalais 6 Speed Auto - L98 engine, 6L80 transmission
    0x0346 - 0x0347C1FCHSV E1 - Unknown engine, Unknown transmission
    0x0346 - 0x034743FDHSV E2 6 Speed Auto - LS3 engine, Unknown transmission
    0x0330 - 0x0331AEFEOmega - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0330 - 0x0331B2FFSS - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0330 - 0x0331B3FFCalais - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0330 - 0x0331B3FFHSV E1 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0330 - 0x0331AFFEHSV E2 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0327 Omega - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x0327 SS - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x0327 Calais - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x0327 HSV E1 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x0327 HSV E2 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x034C - 0x034D Omega - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x034C - 0x034D SS - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x034C - 0x034D Calais - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x034C - 0x034D HSV E1 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x034C - 0x034D HSV E2 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Traction Control, Auto Gear Position Display)
    0x0337 - 0x033913457FOmega - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0337 - 0x033914E47ESS - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0337 - 0x03390DB57ECalais - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0337 - 0x033914E47EHSV E1 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x0337 - 0x033913457FHSV E2 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x033C - 0x033F24010101Omega - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x033C - 0x033F531C0202SS - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x033C - 0x033F531B0202Calais - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x033C - 0x033F391B0101HSV E1 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x033C - 0x033F561B0101HSV E2 - Unknown (Affects ABS, Speed Alert, Single / Triple LCD Settings)
    0x005D - 0x0064VIN NUMBERLast 8 Digits of the Chassis VIN Number Stored as ASCII UPPERCASE
    0x0295 - 0x029CVIN NUMBERLast 8 Digits of the Chassis VIN Number Stored as ASCII UPPERCASE
    0x0010 - 0x0013ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 1
    0x0014 - 0x0017ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 2
    0x0036 - 0x0039ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 3
    0x003A - 0x003DODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 4
    0x0050 - 0x0053ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 5
    0x0054 - 0x0057ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 6
    0x0080 - 0x0083ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 7
    0x0084 - 0x0087ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 8
    0x00A4 - 0x00A7ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 9
    0x00A8 - 0x00ABODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 10
    0x00AC - 0x00AFODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 11
    0x00D8 - 0x00DBODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 12
    0x00DC - 0x00DFODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 13
    0x00E0 - 0x00E3ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 14
    0x0109 - 0x010CODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 15
    0x010D - 0x0110ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 16
    0x0111 - 0x0114ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 17
    0x0126 - 0x0129ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 18
    0x012A - 0x012DODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 19
    0x0160 - 0x0163ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 20
    0x0164 - 0x0167ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 21
    0x0168 - 0x016BODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 22
    0x017C - 0x017FODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 23
    0x0180 - 0x0183ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 24
    0x0184 - 0x0187ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 25
    0x0198 - 0x019BODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 26
    0x019C - 0x019FODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 27
    0x01B4 - 0x01B7ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 28
    0x01B8 - 0x01BBODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 29
    0x01EE - 0x01F1ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 30
    0x01F2 - 0x01F5ODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 31
    0x0228 - 0x022BODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 32
    0x022C - 0x022FODO READINGOdometer reading - Memory Location 33
    0x014E69High Brightness LCD (Omega, GREEN LCD Illumination)
    0x014E6AStandard Brightness LCD (SS, Red LCD Illumination)
    0x014E6BStandard Brightness LCD (Calais, HSV, White LCD Illumination)
    There are two variations of VE Instrument cluster, that appear to be incompatible with each other.
    VE Year Models MY06, MY07, MY08, and MY08.5 do not support instrument clusters from MY09 Models and Later.
    Likewise it appears the MY09 Models do not support earlier MY06, MY07, MY08 and MY08.5 Instrument Clusters.
    The limitation appears to be a GM TECH2 issue, as well as some minor wiring details (such as steering wheel button controls), and as such it is not recommended that late model clusters are fitted to earlier models, and vice versa.

    HOW TO IDENTIFY EARLY AND LATE MODEL INSTRUMENT CLUSTERS VE Instrument clusters from Year Models MY06, MY07, MY08 and MY08.5 have a white plastic cover on the back on the instrument cluster.
    These instrument clusters are manufactured by Arrow Australia, and are only suitable for early model VE Commodores.

    VE Instrument Clusters from MY09, MY10, and Series II Commodores have a black plastic cover on the back of the instrument cluster.
    These instrument clusters are manufactured by Continental (VDO), and are only suitable for late model VE Commodores.
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