Hi folks,
this thread will be used to notify of updates to the GMLan Bible, a publicly-accessible Google Drive spreadsheet with both technical information and handy tools to assist in making use of GMs network.
GMLan Bible is curated by CarModder.com administrators and accumulates any knowledge put into the public domain (tech blogs etc) plus our own research from our own vehicles, technical papers etc.
Although its primary focus right now is LSCAN (Low Speed single-wire CAN Bus), it will over time expand out to HSCAN (High Speed two-wire CAN Bus) as well.
You can find the GMLan Bible here:
- Code: Select all
Revision Date Information
V1.0 4/9/2012 Initial Publication by TMK (tekolody)
V1.1 4/11/2012 Added On&tar turn by turn packets (ArbID 182, 148 and augmented 185)
v1.2 4/11/2012 Confirmed On Star packets and added pictures / icons.
V1.2.1 4/20/2012 185 added some detail
v1.3 5/13/2012 Added 142, 4 and detailed control bytes on 148..
v1.4 2/5/2013 Added foxdie (jasongaunt) as a editor to this bible
v1.4.1 2/6/2013 Cleaned up document, fixing broken links and expanded on disclaimer
v1.4.2 2/6/2013 Added tool to assist in deciphering arbitration data packets
v1.4.3 2/7/2013 Added 0x64 breakdown
v1.4.4 2/9/2013 Added 0x71 to ArbIDs and subsequent breakdown
v1.4.5 2/13/2013 Added 0x75 to ArbIDs and subsequent breakdown
v1.4.6 2/14/2013 Added 0x73 and 0x74 to ArbIDs and subsequent breakdowns
v1.4.7 2/19/2013 Converted all ArbIDs to upper case with underscore whitespace for portability
v1.5.0 2/22/2013 Added CarModder.com branding as this doc is administered by its admins
v1.5.1 2/27/2013 Added 0x1FFF to ArbIDs and tagged various sheets as 29Bit where applicable
v1.5.2 2/28/2013 Added tool to assist in deciphering 11Bit Headers
v1.6.0 3/4/2013 Added known list of 11Bit Request IDs, ECU-specific IDs found by team
Final word and further reading
Please note this thread is for update notifications only, subscribe to it but please only reply if you spot an error or would like specific information adding to it

Discussion threads for more information:
GM Lan Single Wire CAN Bus Sniffing