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GM Technical Document Discussion

Fitting the VE Series I Factory Sat Navigation System

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Postby ZerOne » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:57 am

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Postby winmilla » Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:17 am

I think this is the video connector used by the vga output of the sat nav unit mentioned in the how to guide

It's in the top left of the passenger footwell of a VXR8 (UK equivalent of a HSV VE Clubsport). My car doesn't have sat nav but I installed a nav gateway to try to enable the rgb on the headunit but it hasn't worked.


Unfortunately my local dealer can't tell me the part number of the vga cable that plugs into this
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Postby msenj » Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:54 pm

I'm happy to pitch in some info about fitting the VDO Dayton MS5200HD nav system.

I believe this is the dealer fit option, it has a remote and IR sensor, and uses SD cards instead of map DVDs.

It comes with a loom from the nav system's video connector which plugs in to the video socket on the side of the VE's headunit, and an interface box containing a microcontroller that connects to switched 12v, ground, and splices into a GMLAN wire - this enables the RGB input and nav button on the headunit, as well as the nav time and nav audio options in the menu, neither of which do anything as the interface box doesn't connect to the nav system at all.

It comes with a stand alone speaker (think mobile phone hands-free kit speaker), but if you've disconnected the factory centre speaker for better sound, it could be wired up to that instead for neatness.

I personally used the nav's mute line to switch a relay which cuts the driver's door speaker over to the nav system when it wants to speak.

I got my system secondhand on eBay for $300 (though they're available new for about $900) and have updated the maps twice (2007 > 2010 > 2013) using BMW High system maps - As far as I can tell, anything that uses the Philips carindb format works with this system. Whereis still sells map SD cards to suit for $190 each as this is the same nav system currently used in the high end FG Falcon models, only they have some modifications to work with SUNA live traffic updates.

After a firmware update, it hasn't missed a beat in several months.

Nav unit under the passenger seat.*

The card slot end.*

Start up screen.

Main menu.

Map screen in 3D mode - Street names blurred to protect the innocent.

The GPS antenna is mounted under the rear parcel shelf, sticking up through one of the square holes in the metal parcel shelf frame.

Owners manual is here, and the quick start and installation manual is here.

*My unit is mounted upside down on a couple of custom brackets because I'm fussy about levelling it to get the best performance out of it's internal gyroscope. I suspect it'd work just as well plonked down on the floor at an angle though.
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Postby JJaiman » Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:24 pm

So this system uses BMW system maps? This may be an option for us G8 owners that never had sat nav as an option (if we can find US maps).
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Postby Morris70 » Sat Mar 16, 2013 5:43 pm

Another option might be to install a Garmin GVN53 remote GPS. (Lots of up to date maps for the US/AUS available ;) )
It outputs RGB as well as composite video, and a GMLAN module is available to enable the nav button and RGB input on the headunit.
The module also hooks up to the serial in/out on the Garmin so the knobs on the headunit can be used to enter street names, select options etc.
The Garmin can be driven by a touchscreen controller, so a 6.5" resistive overlay could be used on the headunit's LCD for a touchscreen option...
(I've read that the TSC-206IM touchscreen controller can also drive a carputer with Centrafuse or something similar)


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Postby EddieSSkash » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:50 pm

Thanks again, Ill see it Red River still has banjo fitting washers. Can I buy just the seal or do I have to buy the banjo bolt too?
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