Not sure if it will fit in cosmetically wise.. but.. least itll be a good challenge to try get it working without errors and warnings.
I think I read someone that fitted the FG into his car, it powered up.. BUT.. indicators were flashing quickly or something like that.. main premium ICC went blank and cluster speedo didnt update.
So whats this tell us??
1) Either the cluster was chucking rubbish information into the comms line causing the ICC to blank.. OR.. the ICC looks for messages from the cluster... so two way communication will be needed.
2) Theres some wiring changes that will need to be done
3) Speedo signal is from the comms line.. so a 'middle man' will be needed to grab data from the car and convert to FG standards.
First up.. wiring diagrams for BA and FG clusters.. need to identify the differences... whats missing or if something needs rewiring.
Il pull some up and dump them on here for those who wanna play at home.