I'll start:
1. I'm currently commisioned from some of the guys I used to serve with for a cheap/disposable wireless sensor array for use in securing a location overnight. So far I am at the stage of getting 12 ATMEGA16s with either motion or trip wire swtiches talking over RF modules to a host Arduino.
2. Aerial Photography quadcopter and hexacopter. The quad for GoPro 3 with 2 axis brushless gimbals and hex for DSLR and 3 axis brushless gimbal. Damn the seemingly endless cycle of choosing ESC/battery/motor/prop combinations!
3. 'personal massager' that doesnt require batteries - much like the shaker tourches at Jaycar

4. Scratch built 3 axis CNC
5. 0.2mm feed 3D printer
6 Getting my Panasonic Toughbook finally squared away with all the hardware programming stuff I want and organizing it all using a Port Replicator so everything in my feild kit is one plug away, no longer USB cable detangling! Also upgrading the GOBI GPS to something a little more accurate with a UBLOX.
There's a heap more but I think that shall do for now (number 3 isn't a joke either lol)