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Spam suggestion

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Postby T2000 » Wed May 30, 2012 5:45 pm

Hey Admin types.

Can I respectfully suggest that all members have at least one post approved by moderators before being able to post without approval. This works well on another site that I admin and stops the spammers being able to fill the forum with crap and also reduces the admin/moderator workload in deleting undesired content.

Cheers, Chris
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Postby ZerOne » Wed May 30, 2012 6:34 pm

Hi Chris,

Yep, I agree, requiring posts to be authorised by mods / admins if the members approved post count is less than say 1 or 2
works very well for reducing spam....

Unfortunately, I added a forum mod that checks the members username, email and IP address to a list of known spammers
that have been reported to http://www.stopforumspam.com/

The mod (for the most part) works very very well in terms of automatically rejecting spammers.
(The automated system rejects around 5 to 10 spam posts a day), but sometimes it misses a couple, and they get through.

The minimum required post count rule should stop these posts from ever being displayed on the forum,
however the stopforumspam mod has stuffed up the code that checks for this :?

I have been meaning to get around to fixing the code up (Its just includes the mod at certain sections of the phpBB3 post code..
That must be bypassing code or setting somewhere....)

The other problem with the stopforumspam mod is that only the admin can ban, remove posts, and report the spammer to the stop forum spam website....

I need to modify the code to allow moderators the ability to do this as well. (Why should they miss out on all the fun Lol !)

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Postby T2000 » Wed May 30, 2012 7:23 pm

No worries Matti.

Sounds like the Anti Spam Mod is good... in theory... but the downside is a little hefty.
Sorry for stating the obvious mate :oops: Sounds like you are all over it :)

Mods and broken phpBB3 code :roll:
I stopped modding our board for the same reason... got sick of chasing down broken code because of conflicting mods.
phpBB3 is 100% awesome with a strong dose of friggin' useless at times. :?

You are almost local (Sydney?) ... Checkout www.southcoastcommodores.com.au
It's our little corner of the interwebs for local commodore & event talk... also phpBB based.
Might try and catch up with you at an event - Maybe a track day if you are interested?

Cheers, Chris
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Postby ZerOne » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:21 am

Gday Chris,

I checked out www.sothcoastcommodores.com.au the night you posted the link up !
My kind of website, very laid back, and the guys are heaps friendly. :)
I saw your posts on the touch screen overlay, and the other members modified HSV triple gauge plastic trim piece.
Lots and lots of very good high quality information on your forum !

I definitely want to be an active member on there !

I registered that day (I think I goofed with the first registration, and stuck .com.au for my gmail email account).
So I created another account (ZerOne_V) and made sure the email address is correct, however I the account has not been approved my a moderator/admin yet ?

Would definitely be up for joining a cruise or having a meet with the group.
(It gets very lonely here in Sydney Lol)....

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Postby T2000 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:34 pm

Hey mate... sitting in Marochydore airport at the moment. As soon as I get back in front of my PC I'll go through the admin logs to do a little troubleshooting on your registration. If I can figure out how to fix it in tapatalk it might be sooner. Glad you want to join us! Cheers

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Postby T2000 » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:51 pm


Maybe that worked?
Tapatalk couldn't do admin and php acp doesn't work nice on mobile... but I think I got it sorted :grin:

Will still check later though.

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Postby Warnererank » Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:21 am

The forum I come from had a great thing called a spam thread.In the spam thread you could say anything,even random giberish.So.....what do you guys think?
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Postby EddieSSkash » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:44 pm

I've noticed several spam posts lately, where previously I never saw any.. perhaps time to change the forum registration Turing test or something?
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